Extension to deadline for paying EPA annual pesticide registration maintenance fees

Due to EPA’s late mailing of the 2019 annual pesticide registration maintenance fee information, and the U.S. Government shutdown, EPA has extended the deadline to submit maintenance fees and appropriate registration renewal forms.  The original deadline was January 15, 2019.  The new deadline is February 15, 2019

Expiration of PRIA 3

UPDATE: see January 30, 2019 posting above regarding the extension of PRIA 3.

Because the US Congress did not include reauthorization of the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act (PRIA) in the recently-passed Farm Bill, PRIA 3 expired on December 21, 2018.  In accordance with the phase-out provisions described in FIFRA Section 33(m)(2)(B), registration service fees for new applications received after December 21, 2018 will be reduced by 70% from the fiscal year 2017 levels.  In addition and unfortunately, such applications will not be subject to the decision review time frames specified in PRIA 3.

EPA operations are currently on hold due to the US government shutdown.  Pending change in EPA’s operational status, applications received after December 21, 2018 will be subject to these new provisions, and applications received on or prior to December 21, 2018, will continue to be reviewed under the decision time frames specified in PRIA 3.

EPA notice regarding receipt of submittals during the US government shutdown

EPA has announced that, due to the US government shutdown, any electronic submissions to the Pesticide Submission Portal after December 28, 2018, will not be considered received or processed until after the EPA’s operational work status resumes.

Visit with us at the Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting in Basel, Switzerland

Jim Damico, President of SciReg, Inc., will be attending the upcoming 2018 Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting (ABIM) in Basel, Switzerland, October 22-24, 2018. If you would like to arrange a meeting with Jim while in Basel, please click here, or call telephone number (703) 494-6500.


Visit with us at the BPIA 2018 Fall Meeting & Sustainability Symposium

SciReg, Inc., will be attending the upcoming BPIA 2018 Fall Meeting & Sustainability Symposium in Rochester, New York, from October 9-10, 2018. If you would like to arrange a meeting with a SciReg representative in Rochester, please click here, or call telephone number (703) 494-6500.


PRIA 3 Quarterly Stakeholder Meeting

EPA held its PRIA 3 Quarterly Stakeholder Meeting on July 11, 2018. Rick Keigwin, Director of the Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP), informed attendees that the Agency is experiencing resource challenges (which includes a decrease in OPP staff to below 600 employees) and indicated this is affecting productivity.

Steve Schaible, OPP’s PRIA Coordinator, provided an informative presentation on the following topics:

• PRIA 4 update
• Follow-up from previous Stakeholder Quarterly Meeting
• PRIA 3 summary for Fiscal Year 2018
• PRIA renegotiation rates
• On-time completion rates for Fiscal Year 2018
• Pending non-PRIA fast tracks and notifications
• Fees collected
• Two-day label approval
• Electronic label reviews
• Electronic submissions
• 45/90 preliminary technical screens

Mr. Schaible’s presentation is available here: PRIA 3 Presentation

Visit with us at the Crops & Chemicals USA Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina

July 24-25, 2018
SciReg will be attending the upcoming Crops & Chemicals USA Conference July 24-25, 2018. If you would like to arrange a meeting with Jim Damico, SciReg’s President, while in Raleigh, please contact him by clicking here, or by phone at (703) 494-6500.

Visit with us at the 34th Society of Quality Assurance Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California

SciReg will be attending the upcoming 34th Society of Quality Assurance (SQA) Annual Meeting in Anaheim, California, April 9 – 12, 2018.  If you would like to arrange a meeting with Jim Damico, SciReg’s President, or Teri Wallace, Regulatory Specialist, while in Anaheim, please contact them by clicking here, or by phone at (703) 494-6500.

Guidance on placement of first aid statements on pesticide labels

On March 8, 2018, EPA released final guidance clarifying where first aid statements should appear on the label of pesticide products. The guidance responds to input from states and pesticide registrants.  EPA will continue to require Toxicity Category I products to have first aid statements on the front panel of the label, while Toxicity Category II and III products can have these statements on any panel.

To view the guidance document, please click here: Document Summary

EPA publishes revised antimicrobial efficacy test guidelines

In a February 28, 2018 Federal Register notice, EPA announced the availability of the revised antimicrobial test guidelines (OCSPP Product Performance Test Guidelines 810.2000, 810.2100, and 810.2200). The revised procedures incorporate comments received on the draft guidelines issued by EPA in 2015.

A number of significant changes have been made to the guidelines with regard to confirmatory data, repeat testing, wetness determination testing for towelettes, testing at lower certified limits, internal toilet testing, performance standards, and other topics. Click on the following link for more detailed information provided via EPA’s website: Final OCSPP Product Performance Test Guidelines for Antimicrobial Pesticides Series 810.2000-2200