UPDATE: see January 30, 2019 posting above regarding the extension of PRIA 3.
Because the US Congress did not include reauthorization of the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act (PRIA) in the recently-passed Farm Bill, PRIA 3 expired on December 21, 2018. In accordance with the phase-out provisions described in FIFRA Section 33(m)(2)(B), registration service fees for new applications received after December 21, 2018 will be reduced by 70% from the fiscal year 2017 levels. In addition and unfortunately, such applications will not be subject to the decision review time frames specified in PRIA 3.
EPA operations are currently on hold due to the US government shutdown. Pending change in EPA’s operational status, applications received after December 21, 2018 will be subject to these new provisions, and applications received on or prior to December 21, 2018, will continue to be reviewed under the decision time frames specified in PRIA 3.